Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)

Course Details:

The degree is designed to enhance the professional competence of pastors and others engaged in some form of Christian ministry through an integrated process of study and practice. Its objectives are; to equip candidates with necessary academic and professional skills needed for the ministry; to make the candidate’s own ministerial involvement and experience as a basis for theological learning and reflection; and to provide tools to analyze the contemporary socio-political, religio-cultural contexts of the society and interpret their missiological implications for the Christian faith.It is an extension programme of the Senate conducted through seminars, collegiums and distance education training system. It is three years programme.

Bachelor of Christian Studies (B.C.S.)

Course Details:

The degree is designed to provide Christian professionals and laity with academic skills for an in-depth understanding of Christian faith, history, doctrines and practical dimensions of ministry to interact with their neighbors and professional colleagues in their common quest for meaning of life. The course is intended to integrate theological education with the professional orientation of the students.It is also an extension education programme and is conducted through contact seminars. Some selected affiliated colleges are permitted to enroll students and conduct seminars. It is four years programme.

Diploma in Christian Studies (Dip.C.S.)

Course Details:

The diploma is introduced for the benefit of people of all faiths to study Christianity as a religion, to understand its faith, history and practices through private study. The course is designed to provide a specifically Christian perspective for the study of Christianity, to show the essential unity as well as diversity of the Christian faith, to study history of Christianity in India as an integral part of Indian social, cultural and political unity, to interpret Christian faith in its struggles to meet the contemporary challenges to be relevant and contextual, and to promote inter-faith harmony for peaceful co-existence among various religious communities in India.It is an extension education programme and is conducted through contact seminars. Some selected affiliated colleges too are permitted to enroll students and conduct seminars. It is two years programme.

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