The Rev.Dr. I. P. Asheervadam

Mennonite Brethren Centenary Bible College ( MBC Bible College) is celebrating its 100th Academic Year. MBC Bible College is prominent in being the only Mennonite Bible College in the whole of Asia at the BD level. Mennonites are known as Biblicists and peace loving church since their emergence in the 16th century. The theology of Mennonites impacted and influenced numerous mainline denominations.Early Mennonite missionaries reached India in 1889. Today, these Mennonite churches are spread in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharastra, Chatishghar, Bihar and West Bengal.

MBC Bible College came into existence in 1920 in the current state of Telangana, with the purpose of training pastors, evangelists, and Church leaders with sound theology and Bible centeredness. We are exhilarated that MBCBC has trained thousands of pastors and has been equipping good number of Pastors and church leaders for Mennonite, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, CSI, CNI, Lutheran, India Mission and many Independent Churches even today.

MBC Bible College is blessed to have huge eco-friendly campus, located very close to the International Airport of Hyderabad. It got specious class rooms, library, Archives, Peace Center and it's Library and sports grounds. Students enrollment today has extended both denominationally and geographically from South India to North India, representing the states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chattishghar, Karnataka, Kerala, Mizoram, Maharastra, Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, etc.

MBC Bible College is a growing community and known for its inclusiveness. We thrive to accommodate and create theological educational opportunities for students who are called to different vocational settings through various diplomas and short term courses. We are delighted that we succeeded as a seminary for a century in faith and perseverance. We are grateful for the visionaries and thankful to all the leaders who shaped MBCBC through their planning, contribution, and commitment. We praise God for this, and we extend the invitation by requesting you all to celebrate with us. Please continue to uphold us in your prayers and support.

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